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Behind the sleep of reason

Дата: 2016-04-05 00:29 Просмотров 513
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Faith is a painting
Written in neglectful grey
With every tale foretold
It strength increases
Day by day
Faith is a mirror
A weakness of sane mind
Reflecting all your fears
It blinds you with its light
Shimmering and bold
Story's told in gospels
There is a church surrounded
By mourning ghosts of souls
Are you a beliver
Or are you an enemy
It makes you feel so safe yet
There in no safety here
Faith is a mark on
Perfectly built wall
No matter how hard I'll try
Eventually it'll fall
Faith makes me question
My being as it is
Will there be one true heaven
Does paradise exist
Cathedrals bells are ringing
Through shining golden domes
But on the ground there's sickness
Death knocking on the doors
There is no point in hiding
Behind millenial lies
All of your saviour's promises
Are opium in disguise

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Автор : JapanSylvian

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